
This is our first blog dedicated to facts about the Brave New World book!

The BNW Team

Wednesday 1 February 2012



Proliferate- Increase rapidly in numbers; multiply.
Paradoxically- To speak in a manner seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true.
Peritoneum- The serous membrane lining the cavity of the abdomen and covering the abdominal organs.
Matriculation- Matriculation, in the broadest sense, means to be registered or added to a list.
Centrifugal- Moving or tending to move away from a centre.
Slavish- Relating to or characteristic of a slave, typically by servility or submissiveness.
Superfluous- Unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
Spasmodic- Occurring or done in brief, irregular bursts.
Indissolubly-  Insoluble: (of a substance) incapable of being dissolved.
Hypnopedia- The science of teaching through subconscious conditioning utilizing audio.
Sibilant- Sounded with a hissing effect.
Asafoetida- The brownish gum resin of various plants; has strong taste and odour; formerly used as an antispasmodic.
Indefatigable- Persisting tirelessly; untiring.
Soliloquized- Monologues: talking  to oneself.
Aperture- An opening, hole, or gap.
Incredulity- The state of being unwilling or unable to believe something.
Auto-erotism- Using you own body as a sexual object.
Surreptitious- Kept secret, esp. because it would not be approved of.
Chypre- Perfume made of sandalwood ( pg.31)
Squalid- Dirty, repulsive, run-down (pg.31)
Midden- A dunghill or refuse heap
Incongruous- Lacking agreement, harmony ( pg.33)
Axiomatic- Self-evident (pg.34)
Truculently- Scathing, bitter opposition. (pg.34)
Monogamy- Marrying once in a lifetime, one single sexual partner during a period of time. (pg. 34)
Corpus Luteum- A yellow mass of cells that contains progesterone that forms after releasing a mature egg; it is needed to maintain pregnancy.
Soma- An intoxicating or hallucinogenic drink, often used in Vedic rituals which comes from a plant (pg. 46)
Parathyroid- A gland next to the thyroid (a gland at the base of the neck) which secretes a hormone that regulates calcium levels in a persons body (pg. 49)
Simian- An ape or monkey (pg. 50)
Vivacious- Attractively lively or animated (with women) (pg.51)
Voluptuous- Curvaceous and sexually attractive (in women) (pg.79)
Cajolery- Coaxing someone to do something (pg.79)
Pneumatic- Filled with or containing compressed air (pg.80)
Solecism- A grammatical mistake in speech or writing (pg.82)
Indecorous- Improper, not good taste (pg.84)
Infantile- Inappropriate, childish (pg.84)
Contraceptives- A device or drug to prevent pregnancy (pg.85)
Exulting- To show or feel  triumph or elation (pg.85)
Brachycephalic- A person to have a relatively broad, short skull (pg. 87)
Inexorably- Impossible to stop or prevent (pg.88)
Stoicism- The endurance of pain or hardship without showing feelings or complaint (pg. 90)
Pueblos- A town or village in south-western US, an Indian settlement (pg. 90)
Gunwale- The upper edge or planking of the side of a boat or ship (pg. 93)
Diadem- A jewelled crown or headband worn as a symbol of sovereignty (pg. 93)
Ophthalmia- Inflammation of the eye, esp. conjunctivitis (pg. 96)
Goitres- A swelling of the neck resulting from enlargement of the thyroid gland (pg. 97)
Multiudinous- Consisting of or containing many individuals or elements (pg. 100)
Incarnadine- To make flesh-coloured (pg. 100)

Mescaline (mescal)- A hallucinogenic and intoxicating compound, present in mescal buttons. (Pg. 103)
Acetate- A salt or ester of acetic acid (pg. 104)
Incestuous- Excessively close and resistant to outside influence (pg. 115)
Precipice- A very steep rock face or cliff, typically a tall one (pg. 119)
Blithe- Showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper (pg. 128)
Cygnet- A young swan (pg. 125)
Obliquity- Asynclitism: the presentation during labour of the head of the foetus at an abnormal angle (pg. 131)
Scatological- Dealing pruriently with excrement and excretory functions (pg. 132)
Patchouli- An aromatic oil obtained from a Southeast Asian shrub and used in perfumery, insecticides, and medicine (pg. 135)
Prognathous- Having a lower jaw that projects outwards. (pg.139)
Sepulchral- Of or relating to a tomb or interment (pg. 153)
Magnanimity- Munificence: liberality in bestowing gifts; extremely liberal and generous of spirit (pg. 156)
Stereoscopic- Of or relating to a stereoscope; "stereoscopic lenses" (pg. 146)
Brachycephalic- Having a broad, short skull (pg. 146)
Trypanosomiasis- Any tropical disease caused by trypanosomes and typically transmitted by biting insects (pg. 164)
Sanctimonious- Making a show of being morally superior to other people (pg. 168)
Sexagenarian- Someone who is between the age of 60 and 70. (pg. 177)
Moribund- Not growing or changing. On the verge of death. (pg. 177)
Verbena- Any several types of plants that are similar. (pg. 176)
Flaccid- Without firmness. Without energy (pg.177)
Senility- Old age. Mental and physical attributes associated with aging. (pg 177)
Patchouli- Southeast Asian shrub. And a perfume made from this plant. (pg.179)
Dolichocephalic- Having a narrow head and it being much longer than it is broad. (pg.183)
Peremptorily- In a commanding and urgent manner (pg.184)
Propitiatingly-To make peace with; to appease. (pg.185)
Impunity-Exempt from punishment or loss/harm. (pg.192)
Flivver- An automobile that is small, expensive and old. Or an old, cheap and beat up car. (pg.193)
Paroxysm- A burst of emotions or action; a spasm/convulsion or sudden attack of pain. (pg.199)
Matriarchy-  A system where the female is the head of the family. (pg. 200)
Postulate- To assume the truth or reality; a basic principle. (pg.208)
Chastity- Virginity. Quality of being pure and abstaining from sexual relations. (pg.209)
Neurasthenia-A disorder characterized by  fatigue and weakness in the nervous system. A nervous breakdown. (pg.209)
Coccyx- A triangular bone at the end of the vertebral column in humans and tailless apes. (pg.221)
Prodigious- Great in size, extent or meaning. Wonderful or Extraordinary. (pg.221)

1 comment:

  1. I can't fix this. I've tried everything. I've tried re-typing the words, adding them to another post, inserting them higher on the post, but the highlights won't go away. :(
