
This is our first blog dedicated to facts about the Brave New World book!

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Monday 13 February 2012

3rd Group Discussion - ch. 11-15

Theme: Nature vs. Nurture

Important Quotes:
1. "Ford, we are twelve; oh, make us one, like drops within the Social River; oh, make us now together run. As swiftly as thy shining flivver."

Why this quote may be important - The quote is a comparison to how everyone moves as one to discourage individualism, therefore, there is no distinct/ unique personalities.

2. "Orgy-porgy, Ford and fun, kiss the girls and make them One. Boys at one with girls at peace; Orgy-porgy gives release."

Why this quote may be important - No one has rights and everyone belongs to everyone else. There is no resistance, only peace amongst each other because no one can say no. 

3. "O, brave new world." pg. 184 (first appearance)

Why this quote may be important - John (the Savage) repeatedly said this line throughout these chapters. The line is from a Shakespearean play, the Tempest. It demonstrates the struggle John is going through to live in the nurturing new world.  

Soma. The answer to happiness?
Key Points:

1. The Savage (John) first experienced the New World in these chapters. He discovered the disadvantage of the soma when Linda was discriminated from society and turned towards an overdose of soma as her means of escape.

2. John was introduced to Helmholtz; however Bernard was jealous that John liked Helmholtz more than him. John read Romeo and Juliette to Helmholtz yet he did not understand the romance.

3. Bernard used the Savage (John) to regain his superior hierarchy. He brought him to numerous factories and dinner parties to show off his prize from the Indian reserve, without ever asking John if he wanted to be “shown off”. John rebelled against Bernard and locked himself in his room for one of the dinner parties.
4. John (the Savage) attended a feely with Lenina and experienced the feeling of every touch and smell in the film. The Savage thought the film to be horrible for it was a simple plot and there were too much irrelevant emotions, simply included for the sensation.

5. Lenina stripped in front of John in an attempt to seduce him. John was appalled and slapped, swore, and threatened her. He believed in being with only one person and marriage rather than “sharing” people.

6. Linda was sent to the Park Lane Hospital after a serious overdoes of soma. John (the Savage) visited his mother for her last few hours of life, however she did not remember him; she was lost in her soma holiday.

7. The entire hospital staff was made of two Bokanovsky groups and John (the Savage) despised them. He attempted to stop the distribution of soma at the Hospital and tried to make the people realize they were very restricted against freedom and real happiness.

It was the sort of idea that might easily recondition the more unsettled minds among the higher castes…some enlargement of knowledge… “What fun it would be,” he thought, “if one didn’t have to think about happiness!”
Description - The controller has to be careful what is being published and broadcasted into the society to be sure no one creates any individualism or similar ideas.


Ford's T-Model: Created by Henry Ford and manufactured by the Ford Motor Company in September of 1908, it is known as the first affordable car for the average American. Henry Ford was the first person to use an Assembly line and a car could be finished in 93 minutes. When production of the T-Model ended in 1927 over 15 million had been sold.

  • Othello: John makes constant references to Othello. He enjoys art and through the connections between Othello to his life, he can better communicate how he feels.
  • Rejection: When Lenina is rejected by John, who feels he is unworthy of her attention, we can make connections between this and experiences we have had.
  • Going to the city: each time is a new experience. Like John we prefer the country but also like the excitement of the city.
  • A new place: Can be frightening and exciting. We prefer the comfort of familiar surroundings like John who misses his life back on the reservation.
  • Embarrassment and rejection: Not a nice feeling. Bernard was embarrassed when the John wouldn't come out of his room, The Director of Hatcheries when John told him that he is his father, and Lenina when she attempted to seduce John. A feeling of disgust perhaps also arises.
  • Loss: One feels sorrow and is depressed at the loss of something. Like when John’s mother, Linda, passes away we, the reader, can connect this to things or people we have lost in our lives.
  • Regret: Not having lived life to the fullest. Regretting saying/doing something that affects yourself, the future and others around you. Makes one upset and the right thing to do is to make up for it. Regret when the mother dies; John feels like he is the cause of his mother’s death. The readers can reflect to many times when they regret having done or not done something.

    Ford's T-Model. Mentioned often in Brave New World